Saturday, 29 June 2013

Explosions and Optimus Prime Videos on the Set of TF4 in Aldrin, Michagin

With the filming of TF4 still going on, thanks to thelifeofyourtime there's 3 videos online featuring Dust, Optimus Prime, Explosions, and that mysterious Semi-Truck. Check them down below they're also in HD

The filming is in Aldrin, Michagin, Enjoy the videos of the filming


Freightliner in TF4?

On, a new vehicle has been added to the crew, a "2014 Argosy cab-over truck by Freightliner." Who knows exactly who he is or if it even is a he, or even if it's a Transformer. But it looks pretty scary. The name Motormaster has been thrown around.

Leadfoot in TF4?

Well hopefully this means another oppertunaty to get a Deluxe Leadfoot. New photos of the Transformers 4 set appears with Bumblebee no news there and Leadfoot seen in Dark of the Moon, oddly enough with no brothers of the wreakers. Who knows if we'll see Roadbuster and or Topspin but at least Leadfoot hopefully brings us a toy that in't as hard to get

Credit: becker1241 on Instagram


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

New Vehicles rolling into TF4

Kingmyreee and Iamjwest on Instagram shows new pictures of something. Rolling out with more vehicles is Transformers 4, now with an added up to 4 cars total. One a blue car possibly Maserati or Ferrari, One a white possible Ferrari, a gray Cadillac Concept, and a grey Convertable Buick. I'll try to find out what car the rest are.

We don't know if these are Transformers, there seems to be a lot of vehicles and I doubt every one of them are Transformers, but a Blue car, White car, and Gray Van? Kind of says.....

That's right, I want to see the Autobot Brothers Sideburn, X-Brawn, and Prowl. And mabye their long lost brother or the bonus one. What a cool Nostalgia thing Michael Bay would do for the 30th Anniversary of Transformers, if not, oh well what's your thoughts

Vintage 1965 & 1969 GTO rented for TF4

Credit to Mendenhall512 on youtube. We have word that two Vintage GTO vehicles, one being from 1965 and one being from 1969, are being used for the filmming of Transformers 4.

"Look out for the cars next summer when the movie comes out as they will be Mark Wahlberg's very own Goats in the story line.

You can check out the video below, and or follow the link. Though it is unclear if these are Autobots, Decepticons, or any Transformer. Fans of classic cars will get something to look at.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Pagani Huayra Becomes a part of TF4

What's this pretty little, sporty, beaut of a car doing here? Well say hello to the possibly newest recruit joining the ranks. While it's unclear of if it's even a Transformer, the word 'Autobot' has been thrown around.

So who do you think this is? Comment below. News credits to TFW2005 and Michael Bay's website

Update: Want to see some more photos, click the link to car and driver here


Saturday, 22 June 2013

Josh Duhamel NOT to make appearance in TF4

For all those Lennox fans, want to see him make a cameo appearance in TF4 as reported a while ago. Unfortunately Josh Duhamel will not appear in Transformers 4 the newest instalment in the series. BUT, don't get mad, because the actor has said something that might be of interest in the link here

Peter Cullen and Frank Welker chatting about TF4

A blog site called Zip2it, posted an interview with the talented Peter Cullen and Frank Welker on the film soon to hit the big screen with the big robots, Transformers 4 set for 2014. You can see the full interview of the projects and get an update of if Frank Welker will ever be casted in the newest Transformers Movie.

And yes we've finally started posting on the blog, we were waiting for news to poor out and well it's been poring and we didn't do anything.