Wednesday, 26 June 2013

New Vehicles rolling into TF4

Kingmyreee and Iamjwest on Instagram shows new pictures of something. Rolling out with more vehicles is Transformers 4, now with an added up to 4 cars total. One a blue car possibly Maserati or Ferrari, One a white possible Ferrari, a gray Cadillac Concept, and a grey Convertable Buick. I'll try to find out what car the rest are.

We don't know if these are Transformers, there seems to be a lot of vehicles and I doubt every one of them are Transformers, but a Blue car, White car, and Gray Van? Kind of says.....

That's right, I want to see the Autobot Brothers Sideburn, X-Brawn, and Prowl. And mabye their long lost brother or the bonus one. What a cool Nostalgia thing Michael Bay would do for the 30th Anniversary of Transformers, if not, oh well what's your thoughts

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